
Back in 2019 I went to Peru with my father for what was supposed to be only one month. We ended up getting stuck over there for 2 years away from my mother and siblings. I ended up missing out on graduation, scholarships, and college. My life took a 180 degree turn but I wouldn't change anything about it even if could.

Not everything bad in life that you've gone through has to be looked at negatively. In fact most of the time that you've been put through hardships, it has reconstructed you into a better/stronger person.

I created Retrospect to remind myself and others that the past is not to be looked at as a burden but rather as a blessing. Your time of tribulation is what shaped you into the person you are today and the way you look at it tremendously affects your day to day life. So look at it as a blessing. And start doing the things you love. Go chase that dream you've always talked about. And don't stop until you've reached it.

Retrospect; Resilience Redefined